What Do YOU Want: A Self Evaluation

What do you want

It’s so easy to get lost in what you can do…..for everyone else. When you get done saving the world my guess is you are too tired to follow your own dreams. Am I right?

Being it all to everyone is a myth, it’s impossible. Something has to give or everyone, including you, will get a half-hearted attempt. It may be time to evaluate the plates you have spinning and make sure your dreams are represented there.

It’s time for a gut check, what do YOU want? Before you answer, this could be a life-long passion that you’ve put on hold to this exact moment or it could be how you want your day to go. The idea is to start really considering YOUR wants. This may be a foreign concept to you so don’t be too hard on yourself. It will definitely take practice.

Once you identify a “want” that you have, you are presented with 3 options:

To give in, give up or give it all you’ve got.

Giving in to what others think and feel is a real threat. If you’ve spent your life pleasing others and worrying about what others think of you then you may need to take extra caution here. It’s important to understand the “why” to have a conviction for the how. First, it’s something YOU want and that’s important enough but next, explore why it’s important to you. Is it time to reward yourself with a well-deserved break – that’s great. Listen to your heart here and remind your mind it’s ok if everyone thinks you’re being selfish. Maybe it’s a pushing forward to accomplish a goal – more power too you! Give those who object a realistic expectation – you are taking time for YOU.

Giving up is easy. No one said getting what you want was going to be simple. Even simple changes won’t be easy if you’ve spent years putting yourself last. Now is the time to make yourself a priority. Say it with me: Giving up is not an option!

What’s left – oh yeah, giving it all you got! So to avoid radical spikes in motivation that may lead to you running out of steam, take some time and prepare for this new approach. What do YOU want? How important is it to you? How long will it take to achieve it? What are the steps to make it happen? Now …take the first one.

CHALLENGE: I challenge you, whether it’s a luxurious day to yourself or making a leap towards a life goal, take the time to search your soul and make YOUR wants a priority!

I know YOU can do it!

Musical Feature: Kristin Kearns www.kristinkearnsmusic.com